Bronze plaque tavern keeper
Bronze plaque tavern keeper

bronze plaque tavern keeper bronze plaque tavern keeper

46ģ.2 Fake funerary inscription from Rome ( CIL VI 937*), reported by Pirro Ligorio. 35ģ.1 Drawings by Pirro Ligorio of the same dedication to Fortuna Primigenia from Praeneste ( CIL XIV 2865) in two different forms. 33Ģ.5 A page from Epigrammata antiquae Urbis (1521), showing two inscriptions concerning the Baths of Diocletian ( CIL VI 1130 = ILS 646) and the Baths of Constantine ( CIL VI 1750 = ILS 5703) and the start of a section on decrees on bronze tablets, with copious marginal comments (BAV, Vat. Compare the difference in the appearance of the text on the monument and in Sanvito’s drawing (Fig. 27Ģ.3 Epitaph of Iulia Procilla from Rome ( CIL VI 8703 = CLE 1028) from a manuscript written in elegant capitals by Bartolomeo Sanvito (BAV, Vat. 170r), with five monumental inscriptions attesting improvements in Rome’s water supply by several emperors ( CIL VI 1256–59, 1246 = ILS 218a–c, 424, 98c). 23Ģ.2 A page from the Sylloge Signoriliana (1409) (BAV, Barb. 72v), with various inscriptions from Rome: (a) IN CAPITOLIO ( CIL VI 937, 938, 89): inscriptions from the temples of Saturn, Divus Vespasianus, and Concordia beneath the Capitol (b) IN ARCV CONSTANTINI ( CIL VI 1139): on the Arch of Constantine (c) AD VII LVCERNAS ( CIL VI 945): on the Arch of Titus (the toponym refers to the seven-branched menorah on the inside of the arch). 18Ģ.1 Extract from the epigraphic sylloge in the Codex Einsidlensis (Stiftsbibliothek 326, f. 13ġ.6 Putative CIL VIII entry for the inscription from Hippo Regius honouring Suetonius. Editions by Emil Hübner, 1892 ( CIL II 6096) and Géza Alföldy, 2011 ( CIL II2/14, 1143), illustrating the editorial principles of the first and second editions of CIL II. 11ġ.5 Statue base honouring a provincial priest of Hispania Citerior found in Tarraco. de Montfaucon of a funerary monument from Rome with portraits of Iulia Secunda and Cornelia Tyche ( CIL VI 20674), showing the complete monument including a section now lost. 9ġ.4 Early eighteenth-century engraving by B. 6ġ.3 Paper squeeze (retrograde underside inverted) of a Republican dedication to Mercury from Antium ( CIL I2 992 = 9.2). Pflaum of the plaque honouring Suetonius from Hippo Regius. 1.1 Fragmented moulded plaque honouring the biographer Suetonius from Hippo Regius, North Africa.

Bronze plaque tavern keeper