This is the gap that warrant officers fill in certain branches of the military. However, senior enlisted members can also have tremendous leadership capabilities and generalist knowledge because they understand how the parts need to work together. Conventional thinking is that officers are groomed to be generalists, while senior enlisted are made to be technical experts in their fields. Experienced military members of all backgrounds should be willing to mentor and seek counsel from subordinates, peers, and supervisors. Diversity is an important step in avoiding groupthink, but it can be achieved without maintaining a two-tiered system. Officers and enlisted having such different careers facilitates a diversity of thought that would otherwise be impossible. Still, others argue that the two-tiered system ensures that new and seasoned officers can rely on senior enlisted members as masters of their trade. In a one-tiered system, leadership positions could be, for example, special opportunities that would be sought out by those most able and willing rather than allotted to a higher military class. In reality, enlisted service members are often moved around and forced to adapt to changing units on a very regular basis. Additionally, some officers say that it is lonely at the top, and those who would rather “stay with the troops” would do better as enlisted service members. Certainly, there are enlisted members without any desire for command, who are happy doing their work and going home but this logic applies to officers as well. This positional authority carries with it a significant burden that goes unrecognized by the current order. They are often referred to as “the backbone of the military,” without which the military would collapse.
Enlisted leaders still lead without exercising technical “command” because of their interpersonal and professional skills honed after a long career. This misses the point and underplays the difficulties inherent in uprooting your career and family to pursue advancement. Those with the interest or capability simply need a Bachelor’s degree, a few months to attend OTS/OCS, and their command’s approval to become “Mustangs,” a nickname for prior enlisted officers. This argument stems from the idea that most enlisted service members either do not want or are incapable of commanding. military adopted the rank structure of the most dominant military force of the time, and so too will other countries if the U.S. Although there will be an adjustment period, the U.S.

Furthermore, some argue that given the cooperation with allied forces, altering our current rank system would disrupt interoperability. However, they are the only ones able to advocate change to Congress - enlisted members lack both clout and the voice to appeal for needed radical change. Military officers, who have spent their career reaping the benefits of the two-tiered system, often see little need for change. Modern problems require modern thinking, and we should not be held back by a sclerotic organizational structure unable to adapt to today’s demands. “That’s how we’ve always done things” is perhaps the laziest reason to continue anything, yet it is a principle lauded by the military. Merging officers and enlisted personnel into one hierarchical pyramid will unleash untapped leadership potential, remove redundancies, and put people in the positions for which they are best suited. The two-tiered system is based on antiquated and classist British military tradition that stymies the effectiveness of today’s armed services. In this article, I will examine each of these arguments and propose an alternative structure that meets today’s needs. In support of maintaining the current system are four commonly cited arguments: tradition, enlisted not seeking the “burden of command,” senior enlisted acting as subject-matter experts to officers, and issues of career longevity. Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass, the highest-ranking enlisted member in the Air Force with nearly 30 years of experience in the military, is obligated by military customs and courtesies to salute the newest second lieutenant right out of Officer Training School (OTS). Enlisted members additionally swear to “obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over” them. Officers are commissioned by the President of the United States and sworn to support and defend the U.S. military are divided into two tiers: commissioned officers and enlisted service members.